Academic Degrees and Certificates

Doctor (rer.nat.) in Materials Science, Diploma in Mineralogy

Master of Organizational Psychology (M.O.P.)

Certified Consultant (DFG), Certified Focusing Trainer (TIFI)

Certified for Management and Personnel Management (BMW Group Academy / Free University of Berlin)


2017-present    Dr. Evelyn Fendler-Lee Consultancy

2009-2017         e-prisma, Dr. Evelyn Pross

2014-2016         Partner of consultant firm in Switzerland

  • process support of innovative teams
  • knowledge transfer
  • management and team coaching
  • facilitation of (large) groups and mediation
  • personal growth and professional development
  • international (online) seminars on “Thinking at the Edge”
Training and Teaching

2015-present     Trainer for “Thinking at the Edge” at German Training Institute for Focusing
and Focusing-Therapy (DAF)

2009-2016         Associate Lecturer at Universities for personal and social skills,
organizational psychology, HR-management and “Thinking at The Edge”

Occupational Activities in Industry and Science

1996-2009         Management and project leader functions in Research&Development of the
chemical and automotive industry

1986-1996         Research scientist in well-respected institutes