Thinking at The Edge

TAE (Thinking At the Edge) is a philosophical practice developed by Eugene T. Gendlin. TAE is based on Gendlin’s philosophy of the implicit. TAE is a pathway into unexpressed fields and unexpected depth. TAE is more than a creative thinking process. It combines pre-linguistic experience with logical thinking. TAE is Read more…


Initiating and introducing innovations, which means alteration, is often a hurdle race. Comelli1 (2006) summarizes the hurdles in two questions:      Which change signals should or must be received by the organization (in time, in order not to be overrun and only able to adapt)      How do you operate Read more…

Perceiving Irritations . . .

. . . such that the innovation train does not go past. Usually, it is not an accidental or great idea of ​​an employee igniting an innovation process. Rather, an innovation process often starts with an external irritation. The irritation can be an intensification of competition through increasing international networking Read more…