My Offer for ...

Initiative Leadership

Innovative thinking and acting that is meaningful and profitable for the company.

Engaged Teams

Joint work that is deeply satisfying and that advances the subject.

Innovative Organizations

Opening horizons for sustainable success in the service of humanity and the environment.

Persons, who want to shape something

The enthusiasm to create from within: to get down to the tracks of oneself.

Professional Orientation

A clarifying dialogue to find and change your own path.

My Vision

“I am convinced, that sustainable and responsible thinking and acting begins with the inner wealth of individuals. If we manage to leverage our personal experience and to bring it into fruitful communication, the whole team, the whole company and ultimately the whole society wins.”

Dr. Evelyn Fendler-Lee,
Diploma in Mineralogy,
Organizational Psychologist,
Coach, Facilitator, Trainer


Thinking at The Edge

TAE (Thinking At the Edge) is a philosophical practice developed by Eugene T. Gendlin. TAE is based on Gendlin’s philosophy of the implicit. TAE is a pathway into unexpressed fields and unexpected depth. TAE is Read more…


Initiating and introducing innovations, which means alteration, is often a hurdle race. Comelli1 (2006) summarizes the hurdles in two questions:      Which change signals should or must be received by the organization (in time, in Read more…

First Steps for Our Collaboration

I am looking forward to talking to you - without any obligations.


Dr. Evelyn Fendler-Lee
Phone:  +1  919 579 0075


How can I support you?

Please, fill in your request in the contact field, call me, or write an e-mail. I am looking forward to our collaboration.

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